Thursday, April 08, 2004


Couple of quick links:

Spam Resources - Good site with lots of detailed information about fighting spam. White papers, download links, and more.

Antivirus Resources - Same site has a great white papaer on antivirus best practices. It's geared toward businesses, but it's full of good advice.


Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Hey everyone,

A quick followup on yesterday's Bugbear.C virus post. Forgot to mention that Bugbear.C has another wicked twist.

Bugbear.C installs a keylogger-type Trojan on the affected computer, stealing information from the machine and sending it to the virus author. Avoid getting infected at all costs, particularly if you use a credit card online or do your taxes on your PC.

If you think you might be infected, go here for info on how to get a free online virus scan: Free Virus Scan.

This page has info on how to lock down Internet Explorer against malware and website hijacks:

Computer Security


Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Hey there,

New Bugbear.C virus making the rounds. Bugbear.B in June 2003 was definitely a major hit and the new version looks to be worse.

Bugbear.C terminates security programs -including antivirus solutions- and stops them from running, in both PCs and corporate environments, leaving victims defenseless against further attack from other threats.

Not good!

Make sure your antivirus software is up to date with the latest definitions.

Here's two pages with good antivirus info:

Antivirus Software - Reviews and links to antivirus software downloads.

Free Antivirus - Download free antivirus software. Reviews and links to the best ones.


Monday, April 05, 2004

Hey there,

Let's chat about one of the big backdoors for virus attacks, your instant messenger client.

Lately there's been a wave of AIM viruses that spread in a similar fashion. You get an im from a buddy and it contains a link. You click the link, hit a website with a malware AciveX app, and presto, your system is toast.

Here's a site with info on removing these IM viruses: AIM Profile Virus. Complete instructions on removing a profile virus plus links to free tools that automate the process.

Speaking of getting rid of pesky annoyances, you've gotta love Spybot Search & Destroy for top spyware removal capabilities. This free adware and spyware remover consistently finds gunk the others miss.

And of course, you can't beat the price!


Sunday, April 04, 2004


The virus writers battle continues between the NetSky guy and Bagle dude. These guys (not many female virus writers - the only prominent one got arrested a few months back) have been dissing each other in code notes.

Now they're turning their viruses upon each other, with each attmpting to remove any other virus present on their newly infected hosts.

The NetSky guy seems to be winning. The actions carried out by Netsky.R and Netsky.Q include the following:

They delete the Registry entries belonging to several worms, such as Mydoom.A, Mydoom.B, Mimail.T and all variants of Bagle.

With all these viruses flying around, I'd highly recommend getting some Computer Security in place. This page walks you through locking down Internet Explorer, but almost nobody does it and thus, they're vulnerable to all sorts of nonsense.

I'd also recommend Zone Alarm Pro because it blocks any email attachment from auto executing and exploiting the well known Windows flaws that everyone's too busy to patch.

Use this link for the free trial of Zone Alarm Pro that also offers a $20 savings if you buy the firewall.

A little precaution saves major headaches later.

Stay safe...


The virus writers battle continues between the NetSky guy and Bagle dude. These guys (not many female virus writers - the only prominent one got arrested a few months back) have been dissing each other in code notes.

Now they're turning their viruses upon each other, with each attmpting to remove any other virus present on their newly infected hosts.

The NetSky guy seems to be winning. The actions carried out by Netsky.R and Netsky.Q include the following:

They delete the Registry entries belonging to several worms, such as Mydoom.A, Mydoom.B, Mimail.T and all variants of Bagle.

With all these viruses flying around, I'd highly recommend getting some Computer Security in place.

I'd also recommend Zone Alarm Pro because it blocks any email attachment from auto executing and exploiting the well known Windows flaws that everyone's too busy to patch.

Use this link for the free trial Zone Alarm Pro that also offers a $20 savings if you buy the firewall.

A little precaution saves major headaches later.

Stay safe...


The virus writers battle continues between the NetSky guy and Bagle dude. These guys (not many female virus writers - the only prominent one got arrested a few months back) have been dissing each other in code notes.

Now they're turning their viruses upon each other, with each attmpting to remove any other virus present on their newly infected hosts.

The NetSky guy seems to be winning. The actions carried out by Netsky.R and Netsky.Q include the following:

They delete the Registry entries belonging to several worms, such as Mydoom.A, Mydoom.B, Mimail.T and all variants of Bagle.

With all these viruses flying around, I'd highly recommend getting some Computer Security in place.

I'd also recommend Zone Alarm Pro because it blocks any email attachment from auto executing and exploiting the well known Windows flaws that everyone's too busy to patch.

Use this link for the free trial Zone Alarm Pro

that also offers a $20 savings if you buy the firewall.

A little precaution saves major headaches later.

Stay safe...